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Signal Operating Sequence
It is possible to see signals operating in automatic mode
with the passage of a train. Stamford Brook (District) is just such a location.
The photos below show the operating sequence of signals on
the westbound District Line between Stamford Brook and Turnham Green. The
signal is actually two signals on one post. One is the starting signal for Stamford
Brook station while the repeater for the Turnham Green Home signal. The three
photos show the signal displaying red, then green and yellow and then two greens.
Fig. 1: Starting Signal at Red

The westbound starting signal at Stamford Brook
(District Line) with the repeater for Turnham Green home signal, at present showing only
red behind a train just departed and just visible in the distance.
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Fig. 2: Starting Signal with
Green and Yellow Aspects

The starting signal at Stamford Brook now
showing green, as the train ahead has now reached Turnham Green station. The Turnham Green
home signal repeater here shows yellow because the signal it repeats is red, protecting
the train standing in Turnham Green station.
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Fig. 3: Starting Signal with Two
Green Aspects

The Stamford Brook starting signal is now showing green plus
green as the train ahead is now clear of Turnham Green station and the repeater for the
Turnham Green home signal is green.
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This page upgraded 15 March 2003
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